Tuesday, November 11, 2008


1. List 25 things you want to do before you die. They don't have to be the top 25, just 25. Don't list obvious or simplistic ones like "Fall in love" or "Find true happiness".
2. List them exactly in the order you think of them
3. Upload a random picture. Do not explain it whatsoever.

1. Fly a jet
2. Kill something
3. Beat up someone out of hate
4. Get beaten up out of hate
5. Own and shoot a gun
6. Scuba or free diving
7. Be happy about my art
8. Undergo some sort of surgery
9. Make some kind of Spexial FX make up on someone
10. Scare people on the street at night
11. Eat fugu fish, or any other equally dangerous food
12. Shoot a sniper riffle
13. See a dead body
14. Make a trip on horseback
15. Visit Japan
16. Wrestle a wild animal
17. Learn Japanese, German or Russian
18. Find out if a near death experience can change my life, aka live a near death experience
19. Crash a car
20. Make a comic
21. Cage dive with Great Whites
22. Get shot
23. Get stabbed
24. Learn how to play guitar
25. Skydive

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